Nacho Duato Academy offers a student resdience in collaboration  with Student Experience Pozuelo.

Student Experience is an innovative full service concept that offers sustainable housing for students from all backgrounds. A place where you can fully focus on your studies while enjoying student life to the fullest. Our residences offer a range of high quality studios with all-in access to a wide variety of facilities and services like an in-house gym, laundromat and rooftop sports field. 


Student Experience Madrid Pozuelo studios have a floor space of 23m2 and include a private coffee corner, a private bathroom, and a terrace. This comfortable student residence, classified as a luxury hostel, is conveniently located just 25 min away from the school (an easy subway ride) and offers long-term and short-stay options for those looking for a brief but comfortable stay. It features a luscious courtyard with a large swimming pool, a rooftop padel court, a gym, a restaurant, and much more. Enjoy the privacy of your own studio with full access to all facilities, utilities, and services included. No extra charges apart from your meal plan of choice.When booking a studi, please indicate «Nacho Duato Academy» in your e-mail subject.


NDA can help you find an appropriate lodging within the city centre, whether it is a room or an appartment to rent. In general, it is diffcult to find a rental agreement for a year (the minimum required here is 3 years) and you will definitely need the assistance in case you prefer to find a private residence.   NDA alumni supervisor , Lucia Spagnoli, will assist you during the process . This service is provided to any student and it has a cost of 200€ per lodging. Please fill in the following form if you need assistance with lodging. We will get back to you.

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Calle Coslada 7 bis, 28028 Madrid, Spain
telefono: +34/ 91 3610247  +34/ 91 3610259

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